
Jan 2025

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As we know Terry calls his creations noises. It was time to manifest the self-chosen generic term in a noise dedicated to the term. Noise of the month: Noises ;-)

Diving In The Bamboo Wood
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You can't really get ahead because the plants are so close together…

Dec 2024

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Terry has reworked two Noises in the last few weeks (Sickisch 3/2021 and Sophie Commands Love 12/2021). Apparently he was in the mood for quieter sounds afterwards. The result was Playground.

Nov 2024

Dream Pluck
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Sometimes Terry looks on the web for tips and tricks and to find out about new developments (he still works with an old 5.1 Mac and Logic 10.5). That's how he came across Jono Buchanan who offered a sample for download in an episode. Terry made this noise out of it, using only the sample, no other "instrument" is included. The sample is called "Dream Pluck" and that's the name of the noise.

All On You
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It looks like Terry wants to make a bit more noise again. He asked Mikal from the library to contribute a few words.

Oct 2024

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These days Terry came by and gave me two new noise productions and a revised version of "The Spy" (see Sept 2014). I hadn't heard from him for a few months and thought he was tired of making noises. He didn't say much about it either, seemed a bit distracted.
He only said briefly about "Crawler" that the idea had come to him when he was strumming around on his old acoustic guitar again.

Outside Duty Hours
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No further comment by Terry.

Jul 2024

Disco Queen
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Terry hatte die letzten Monate nicht viel Zeit für seine Geräusche, immer war irgendwas anderes zu tun. Heute gab er mir immerhin eine Spielerei aus einem alten 4Spur Geräusch, von dem er einzelne Schnipsel übernahm und verfremdete. Es hieß damals Disco Queen und deswegen heißt es jetzt auch noch so.

Apr 2024

Mein Hirn
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Die Originalaufnahme dieses Stücks stammt aus den 80er Jahren, auf einem 4Spur Cassettenrecorder „Vesta Fire“ eingespielt. Ich lernte Terry zu der Zeit kennen, er war damals Mitte 30, seine Befindlichkeit lag irgendwo zwischen Größenwahn und Minderwertigkeit. Für diese Zeitreise stand Terry nur die damalige Spur mit der Stimme der Verfügung. Der Downmix der übrigen Instrumente war wegen Netzbrummen nicht zu gebrauchen und wurde in Logic neu aufgebaut.
Er selbst gibt an, dass es eines seiner wichtigsten Geräusche sei, eine Art Bestandsaufnahme seines damaligen Zustands und damit ein wichtiger Schritt auf der Suche nach seinem Platz in der Welt. Gut, dass er die Kurve gekriegt hat ;-)

All The Things They Say
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Terry picked up one of the noise ideas that had been stored somewhere on the hard disk in rudimentary form for a few years.

Nap On The Couch
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Just short, until thoughts drift away…

Feb 2024

Thigh Drums
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During an unentertaining evening of television, Terry began to tap his thighs. His iPhone was within easy reach...

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This noise has a long history and was first published here in 2011 (see there down below). During this winter, Terry felt like revisiting the noise and giving it a new name.

Dec 2023

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Seit vielen Jahren geht Terry jede Woche zu seinem Physiotherapeuten. Damals, beim ersten Mal, war es nur ein Tennisarm. Mittlerweile muß sich Chris um Beine, Rücken und… nein, eigentlich alles kümmern. Nun – dann hat sich der gute Mann wohl ein Ständchen zu Weihnachten verdient…

Oct 2023

Short Autumn Walk
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No further comment by Terry…

The Minder
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During some surfing in the web Terry found this Car Trial Vid and he immediately thought that it would fit the noise he was working on. Respect for that fast speaking.

Sep 2023

Dozer Boogie
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Terry's fun with electric sounds continues… but the noise also has another story. About a year ago Terry discovered the youtube channel of Cutting Edge Engineering based in Australia near Brisbane – roughly the other side of his world.
Karen and Kurtis post a vid almost every friday about their work down under, and this are really likeable movies. From one of these Terry took the vocals for this collage.

Aug 2023

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Endlich einmal ein gute Laune machendes Geräusch von Terry! Es handelt von Zuversicht, Erleichterung, Vertrauen, Befreiung, Optimismus. Denn es gibt sie, die großen Versprechungen von Glück und Sicherheit. Da kann doch nicht mehr viel schiefgehen… sagt auch Terry’s Frau ;-)

White and Black
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Sometimes Terry sets himself certain tasks when he’s playing around. In this noise he took just white keys for the one part und just black ones for the other. Also he seems to got influenced by the electric sound of the emhead remix. Again his wife adds some whispers.

Jul 2023

Scary Night
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One of Terry's weird stories. It looks like Terry has found fun in monsters and ghosts. Anyway, let him go wild in the night…

Buskers Song (emhead Remix)
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This year Terry takes part at the Hofa-Contest und choosed the Buskers Song therefor. A lot of very interesting Songs are there to hear und the makers are able to talk about them. Through this Terry received a request from emhead to remix the song in his own style. Blues meets electronic. Nice one, emhead!

Apr 2023

Buskers Song (2023)
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This noise was made in 2005, you can hear the original one down below at „Noises released in 2011“, Terry then had just started making noises with logic. When he met up with his old friend Ciaran earlier this year, he felt like tackling the song again and finding out how it would develop today.

Come Down
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This is a new one; after a noise with a lot of tracks like the one above Terry allways likes to come back to this rather reduced layout.

Feb 2023

Mix 31
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One of Terry's mix songs where he never knows what will come out. Just fun with some noise picking....

Ghost Train
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That noise started with a mix too, but moved in a nameable direction. Beside others Terry put some fieldrecordings of his calcified coffee machine in to make the monsters.

Dec 2022

Still Love (Dub)
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Terry hasn't had much to do with his noises this summer. Somehow he hung around or did other things. To my surprise, he did send me something at the end of the year, which I am happy to present here. First there is an update of "After The Storm" (see May 2017). This noise here is a dub version of "Still Love" (Feb 2022).

Hard Time For Peace Doves
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Here he started field recordings to find out if the pigeons coo "with a click". They don't, they have their own groove. A little cutting and moving was necessary.

Uneven Position
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That led to this attempt, where he plays around with these little timing quirks. Maybe a bit wild, but I like it.

Jun 2022

Which Way
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Another strange noise from Terry. He told me he couldn't help it at the moment, it was so inside him. Obviously his much too small brain is torturing him with finding ways out of the mess that time has gotten itself into.

Paradise Jazzdance (Standalone)
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An attempt at helping the old boy. I asked him for an audio-only version of the noise from his 2015 video so he could find his way out of those depressing sounds. At least he fiddled with it for a while and didn't just remove the video...

Apr 2022

Wrong Direction
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Terry gave me this rather dark noise for april. He started it on February 24.

85 BPM
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Terry said, here he just played with a few chords to calm down his unsettled emotions.

Mix 30
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One of Terry’s Mix-Noises, which are mostly some leftovers or tryouts with sounds.

Feb 2022

Monolog mit dem Schweinehund
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Terry braucht immer mehr Zeit um mit diversen Übungen den alten Körper halbwegs bei Laune zu halten. Morgens für den Rücken, zwischendurch die Schultern mobilisieren und stretching für die Beine, zweimal die Woche mit kleinen Hantelchen dem Muskelverfall entgegenwirken… kein Wunder, dass es ihm manchmal schwer fällt sich aufzuraffen. Anstatt dann einfach anzufangen, setzt er sich hin und bastelt sich ein Motivationsgeräusch – seltsam, dieser Mensch. Ich werde ihn demnächst öfter zu einer Runde Golf mitnehmen.

Still Love
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I don’t know if Terry talks about his own experiences in love, but I know that he really loves his wife. I won’t wonder if he made this noise for her.

Dec 2021

Cats Delight
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No Midi but real noises, recorded by iPhone during summer and fall this year. Cast in order of appearance: Percussion: stirring soup; Mouth noise Drums: Mmtscha; Mouth noise Percussion: Batzekatze; Bassdrum: Hit on the Couch; Snare: Peanut tin; Lead Vox: Blackbird; Backing vocals: Pack of sparrows, magpie, cranes, ravens; Mouth noise: Bass.
Of course Terry had to cut his recordings to time but had surprisingly little pitches to change. Birds are talented noisemakers. Btw, when Terry playes that noise in the garden, neighbours cat often looks through the shrubs… looking for food.

Open Strings
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Seems the birds encouraged Terry. For this noise he grabbed his guitar after a very long time, tried to get something out of it and recorded by iPhone. His Slidebar was a metallic pencil. He also found 3 old bluesharps und had to figure out the notes for the chorus to fit to the harps. He even dared to play a few notes on his bass. That's why it's a brave noise!

Sophie Commands Love
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Back to midi, Terry had no idea of lyrics for this noise. He played with some loops and found Sophie, ordering love. He could not figure out what the other guy is saying… hopefully nothing bad.

Collected Trot
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Old midi files from the 1993 Atari times are the base of this noise, slowly but surely Terry’s camp becomes emptier. In this noise he didn’t change that much, some tweaks here and there and new sounds.

Oct 2021

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Eine Hommage ans gute Kochen? Oder ans Genießen der gelungenen Bemühungen? Terry gab mir dieses Geräusch ohne weiteren Kommentar. Er scheint jedenfalls Spaß an seiner kölschen Seele gehabt zu haben.

Step Sequence
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A sketch of some ideas, made in 1993 with cubase and atari, is the base of this noise by Terry. It’s sometimes thrilling to open old files, because in 2004 Terry didn’t know any other way than making a standard template in Logic 6 to import the old cubase midi files for future usage. That caused strange sounds, for example a bass drum pattern with the sound of a flute. In Step Sequence Terry used this old template sound as a short intro.

Sep 2021

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During Terry’s start with logic 6 about 2005 he had good help from Steve, an experienced musician and logic user. While Terry learned the funktions of logic, they created amongst others a 4bar rhythm pattern and that is still the base of this noise, which Terry picked up now. Last year Terry heard that Steve passed away, so this noise carries some thoughts for him. Surely he would have naged here and there. By the way, the pattern was then saved as „Testosterone“, meaning testing things out.

Sticks Never Rest
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This is a noise that Terry desperately had to make. Stones fans like him will probably recognize the intention.

Jul 2021

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Terry kaufte sich während der Winter-Notbremse eines dieser Fahrräder ohne Räder. Die Maschine steht auf ihren vier Beinen, schaut ihn an und wartet darauf, dass Terry die Pedale bewegt. Sie hat einen bösen Geist, der Terry ein schlechtes Gewissen macht, wenn einmal zuviel Zeit zwischen den Fahrten verstrichen ist. Er meinte neulich, dass es eben ein zusätzlicher mentaler Trainingseffekt sei, diesem Geist zu widerstehen…

Left Parted
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More or less a noise about the time Terry had parted hair. Hard to believe that he once had hair at all. But even today he has to cut some little remains from time to time.

Noise En Marche
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Terry just remembered the traditional gun club (don’t know if this is the right word therefor) of the small suburb of his childhood. They shot out the champion marksman on saturday and on sunday morning – early sunday morning – they came with a martial brass music band, marched to the house of the winning marksman and took him away to the big celebration. So or something like that, it’s long ago…

Waiting for Injection
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A few seconds out of the waiting area at the fair building cologne, where Terry got his second vaccination. Strange atmosphere, queuing to carry out instructions by the stewards, rare conversation with others, dimmed lighting. Mainly young people this time. Hopefully all for good.

May 2021

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On his way to discover noises, Terry sometimes looks for ideas in his old archive of his 4 Track recordings of the 80s. In this case he found a sketch with this bassline. All he had to do was toying around, finding a key thats about near and giving the bass new team-mates.

I Love My Garden
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Seems that Terry had fun to play around with the reggae in „Twins“. So he was encouraged to put his gardening excitement into „I Love My Garden“.
Update July: a new version of this noise.

Beaten Path
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Yet another noise by Terry. Thanks to the emergency breake he had plenty of time to fiddle around with noises during the last weeks.

Mar 2021

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Dieses Geräusch von Terry finde ich anstrengend, aber es war vorauszusehen, dass er den Blues mit seiner wehklagend-leidenden Attitüde nicht alleine stehen lassen kann. Terry, d’r Schraatelshungk, es sickisch wäjen dem Driss.

Growth Related
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As compensation for the ugly but necessary „Sickisch“ above Terry gave me a second 7ish noise, which should hopefully be more pleasant. Yes, I think so, Terry.

Feb 2021

C Blues
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Terry hat den Blues. Nicht krass, aber doch bemerkbar. So wie wohl allen dieser Scheiß auf die Nerven geht. Als ich ihn vor ein paar Tagen zu einem Spaziergang aufforderte, lehnte er dankend ab, er müsse erst seinem Blues Rechnung tragen.
Ich war dann alleine draußen, zwar bei Kälte, aber schönster Wintersonne und kam gut gelaunt zurück, ohne Blues. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob diese Blueser ein Extra-Gen haben…

Toni Fellatio
and his latin lovers
A sensational gift out of the past. View weeks ago Terry received an E-mail from Thomas, he wrote about he’d discovered an old video from 1990 with a gig of the cologne band „Toni Fellatio and his latin lovers“. It lastet a while and needed some more mails, before Terry’s old brain could pick the memories together. Thomas sent digitalised vids and an audiofile of songs, made at the the rehearsal room. Terry’s brain got support.

It was Terry’s last band and final realtime music. He played with Thomas (drums), Peter (git), Michael (git), Karin (voc) and Claudia (voc) for about a year. For any reason the band broke up. They had some pretty funky songs in the bag, which Terry had to learn. Terry didn’t even know that the recordings exist, but he found the song sheets, he made back then.

Of course, the video quality is bad, Terry wants to keep it short, but could at least slightly improve the audio. It’s a nice document of Terry’s time as a bassplayer.
Thank you, Thomas!

Whats Going On
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„Whats Going On“ by Toni Fellatio and his latin lovers from Thomas’ rehearsal room audio file, probably taken by a cassette recorder. Terry liked this piece a lot. It became even better as Ralf as a new singer joined the band and the ladies got room for their enchanting background voices. Terry tried to improve the boxy sound as good as he could.

Time Coach
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To have fun, Terry just plays around with some ideas and sometimes sort of imagination about a complete noise shows up. This noise for example was in its first phase kind of reggae groove and changed at one point for any reason, maybe just a new impulse while spending time.

If I Was A Father
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This noise Terry originally did 1993 with his Atari and cubase. Obviously back then he was about to think becoming father. Like the other old noises of the Atari times Terry transfered the files to midi and Mac in 2004 so that he can pick them up to make something new out of it. Same time it’s a dip into the past.

Dec 2020

After a peroid of working with electric golf trolley projects during this strange year, Terry started with noisemaking again in October. The search for technical solutions seems to be a rather brainish work at a first sight, but the inner process of continual discovery is still the same.

Terry did some rework for warmup. Lasting Memories (Aug 2016), Seven French Kisses (Mar 2017), After The Storm (May 2017) and Rather B At Home (Jun 2020) are a bit different here and there and hopefully kind of cleaner.

Immer Dienstags
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Dieses Geräusch ist Terrys altem Freund Hans gewidmet, die beiden lernten sich Ende der 90er Jahre im „Metronom“ kennen, und trafen sich dort eine ganze Weile regelmäßig.
Das Metronom war (ist) eine Jazzkneipe mit Livemusik (das wohl nicht mehr) in Köln, die damals geführt wurde vom genialen Chris Bishop, der neben Kölschzapfen, Plattenauflegen und Chili con Carne kochen auch mit Leichtigkeit ein zugewandtes Miteinander zuvor fremder Menschen schaffen konnte. Daher sollen die paar Töne auch an Chris und seine Zeit im Metronom erinnern.

Herr Schers Hoffnung
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Bei der Suche nach dem Titel für dieses Geräusch kam Terry in Kontakt mit der Nominalgruppenreflexion. Gefühlt hätte es eigentlich „Herrn“ heißen müssen, aber dann hätte das Wortspiel mit Herrscher nicht funktioniert. Wie gut, dass schon Theodor Fontane die unflektierte Version für nutzbar hielt.

Mix 29
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Terry used some snippets and leftovers while checking some features in logic. In musically terms this is kind of aimless playing with the software just to be curious what a new feature is capable of. Sometimes at one point in time this can lead to a noise.

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In den verschiedenen Stadien der Vorsicht und Einschränkung konnte man in diesem Jahr nicht sehr viel unternehmen. Da ist – wenn man als Stadtmensch mal wieder Weite sehen will – ein Ausflug mit dem Auto in die Eifel schon ein Ereignis. Terrys Beobachtungen und Interpretationen sind sein Dank für ein paar Stunden Frieden in weiter, sonniger Schönheit.

Jun 2020

Rather B At Home
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This noise is not initially influenced by the corona times, Terry worked with it a while before the lockdown came, than the intentions mixed together. Anyway – how much better is it, to like to be at home, rather than being legally responsible to do so. (Noise updated Dec 2020).

Vill Jeschwaad
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Terry erfüllte mir einen Wunsch, indem er „Kölsche Psüschiater“ neben der rein kölschen Fassung (Nov 2016) noch einmal in einer erweiterten rheinischen Version auflegte. Weil er den Psüschiater und die zwei Flaschen Wein dabei weg ließ, heißt das Geräusch nun „Vill Jeschwaad“.

Apr 2020

Even Some Of Love
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The Golftrolley project stucks, Terry had to stay at home as most of us these days. He rummaged around and discovered some old noises from his 4Track cassetterecording times about mid to end 1980ies. Lets hear what he made of it.
During this 80ies Terry had some issues to find his place in the world. Later he found out, that a lot of young men about 30 have similar points in their life too. Even Some Of Love reflects Terrys fragility then. The noise is done mostly from the old audiofiles, only the rhythmic piano has been added and had to finepitch to adopt the other noises. Still a bit strange.

Let Me Fly
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is also 80ies born and tells about Terrys search. But opposed to the upper noise this one is a new build in Logic because the old 4Track stems had a real bad quality. Just the voicenoise and guitarparts are from the old samples. A problem therewith was, that guitar and voicenoise had been partly mixed down then to one track in order to get a track free for other noises.

Mix 26
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is a new noise and as in most of his mixes Terry uses parts and snippets from the work with his old noises.

Mix 28
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is also new and comes from a rhythmic 4Track sketch made in the 80ies. It’s funny, in most every case a rather different noise is the result of such a stimulation.

Oct 2019

Big Easy Five Wood
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Terry is involved into a quite large project with me, so he has less time for his noises this year. However, he finished at least a 2018 noise that has been set aside since then. „Big Easy Five Wood“ is kind of an accoustical analysis of the golfswing of Ernie Els. Indeed Terry took a video, extracted the time of the swing in bpm and contructed the bassline for takeaway, backswing, downswing to finsh.

Say What
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Surprisingly Terry gave me another Noise that he made this month, since the works on the project came into a break. „Say What“ is done spontaneously for a buddy, who helped Terry with his knowledge and connections. This quiet, rather introverted guy loves loud and heavy noises. Hope, it’s fine for you, Andreas.
By the way, don’t try to understand what may be „sung“ in the noise. The „vox“ comes from one of this crazy rockbouncer-vids where also crazy folks climbing hills by 1000hp V8 cars with superlong suspension travel.

Apr 2019

New Rules
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With this noise Terry picked up the new golf rules for 2019 and asked Daniel and Sam to read out some of them. Its the same technique that Terry used already in 2004, as he started with Garageband his new period of noisemaking. By the way, it should be easier today to record macs voice to itself. After recording was done, the „spoken“ words had to be treated by choping, stretching, testing and trying to let them rather „sing“, finally some harmonics has been added. Lot of fiddling around…

Traffic Report
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Traveling by car is from one stop to the next. In between one’s glad to make some distance with the wide base tires, looking strong out of the fenders.

Mix 24 (Blind Cooking)
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This noise is a collection of an older drum track with snippeds from Mix 23-tracks. The noise sounds rather weird due to some randomly picked notes. Just see how it tastes..

Febr 2019

Mix 23 (Lala Mode)
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Mix 23 is another result of playing with noises and the features of modern DAWs like logic. Mostly the discovery starts with a drum and bass pattern, this is Terry’s natural access to noisemaking. Than the other parts are added by trial and error. Still a strange and thrilling process and sometimes it leads to nothing.

THX I’m Fine
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3 Noises from Terrys Atari times in the early 90ies. „THX I’m Fine“ was a kind of curious playing with brasses, which he liked to do as an extension to the noise of his 4 piece bluesband. Now he found the old file on a harddrive and updated it here and there.

Tinkle Wrinkle
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Same about this noise, just some tweaks on the old file and adding a guitar. Terry made it back then after he took part at a workshop for bass players. Unfortunately the drummer did not come and Terry was thrilled to play the drums for the group of students instead playing his bass. (He did not good but good enough).

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One day then Terry got a cassette from a friend and came in contact with the vital music of Jamaaladeen Tacuma. That has been an important inspiration for Terry. Making this noise then was another way of discovering more about noises. He now tuned the old file here and there but it’s basically the same as then.
Must be 1993 as Terry saw Tacuma playing at the Moers Jazz Festival, as he worked his little Steinberg bass by his big hands. Even later he visited a weird concert with Tacuma and James Blood Ulmer in Cologne. So much joy of playing, one of the best concerts Terry ever listened to!

Nov 2018

Eight Wires
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Two historical noises by Terry, both having their roots in the 80ies, as Terry used his 4 Track „VestaFire“ tape recorder to discover noisemaking and practise his bassplaying.

„Eight Wires“ is made by the digitized noises of such a tape – unfortunately not very good and with a lot of humming. Some cuts and shifting of snippets creates a slightly different composition from the original scan, allthough the fact, that noises been fixed at one track sets limits. Inexperienced Delay and reverb that glued into the tracks caused problems as well. Back then Boss’ Dr. Rhythm and cheap children-keybord supported the Ken Smith 4 string bass and an old Framus 4 string, which Terry modified into a fretless bass.

5Stroke Engine
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At „5Stroke Engine“ Terry recreated the former tape-noise nearly complete with Logic, just some guitar licks and the bass solo are from the original tape. Therefore this noise has rather different strukture and sounds than its origin. By the way, a so called 5stroke engine was invented by a belgium engineer in 2000.

Jun 2018

Middle East Blues
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Allthough the jazz agency is closed now, Terry wants to continue his work of discovering noises and rhythms and let me take part of his journey. He gave me some new noises to place on the site, this calls „Middle East Blues“. As everyone he is racked by the endless terrible news about this gaping wound in human being.

Just Kidding
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by discovering some noises.

Snowball System
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No further comment on this.

Sleepless Night
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This noise by Terry is a new mix from a fairly old noise made in allready 1991with an old Atari. Terry made various versions of that noise, let’s see if this is the last one.

Mar 2018

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This noise contains various snippets of elder or newer experiments with audiofiles. Some are bounced from midi, others are recorded from mouth or guitar or something else and a few loops or stock files are also included. Just playing around.

Sweet Home
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After a long day of hunting, working, power strugles out there in the wilderness, Terry yearns to come home for cooling down and wounds licking, to see his lovely wife, having dinner und drinking a glas of wine. Maybe two, he loves his cosy home.

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This noise is about the modern wilderness. „Laufen“ means running and that is what a lot of people do through their life. Of course due to that „more action per time-living“ we experience tons of inventions and improvements which makes our lifes easier. Terry asked himself when we reach a point where it could be a good idea to split the tasks around the modern world. More like a structured factory. The one country makes e.g. computing while the other is more in mechanics und they share the results. For developement and progress running may be pretty beneficial, but do we really need thausend different models of dry shavers while the environment is stressed?

Jan 2018

Johns Land
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Terry got a brandnew guitar as a christmas gift, a wonderful bright brown shining piece of art. Automatic distinctive chord gearbox, superb carbon atonal breaks and two highspeed twinscroll chargers for easy acceleration. He just has to press the red play button.

Mama Loo
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This Noise is a spin-off noise from a favour that Terry did for the Rhytm’n’Joy gospel choir (some years ago he also sang with them). Now he could help with some adjustments at one of their songs, necessarily he needed the recorded files therefor and made this own noise-version als well. Thanks to Franziska, Hubert and the others from Rhytm’n’Joy.

Nov 2017

Sudden Comprehension
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„Sudden Comprehension“ is a matter of the usual bluesy themes in human relations. Trying to work out a balance between each others needs is no crime and has been necessarily to learn. Mistakes are welcome to the blues. Update June 2020: remixed version

(1) Being Seen
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Three noises which are coming from an old atari session in 1993. Formerly it was one noise with various parts.

(2) Seeing Someone
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Terry broke that into pieces, picked some of the parts and let them stand for themself but used some similar or same sounds and riffs in each of the noises.

(3) Seeing Each Other
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So the „seeing-noises“ belonging together but coming at the same time with a different attitude.

Carla Says Get Up
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„Carly Says Get Up“ is primarily a session, Terry played around the new percussion drummer in the actual Logic version. This feature really makes percs far easier to play, it was a lot of mousepicking before. Good girl Carla is pleased to have a noise for her voice.

Jul 2017

My Lady Cooks
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Since Terry is married he gets stronger thanks to the fabulous nutrition made by his wife. She really makes healthy meals often with strange, tasty flavours. Time to make a noise for her beautyful job. (Terry cooks usally during the week. Not that bad but more an average cooking).

Alien Sung Song
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In this noise Terry just plays with some sounds and chords.

Blow Walk Three
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Like the other „blow noises“ number three comes from the 1993 atari times as well. It’s modified and shortened but the basic is the same. Terry remembers the fascination of having horns and windsections as „bandmembers“. In his former Bluestimes he even played occasionally as a two piece band just with guitar and bass. Can still work very well.

May 2017

After The Storm
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No further informations to that new noise by Terry. We just saw him work with synth sounds at the beginning but obviously later in the process he switched to a more orchestral association for „After The Storm“. Seems he’s still on his jazzy way. (Noise updated Dec 2022).

Blow Walk Two
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More of the noisy walk by Blow walk two! As the „number one walk“, this noise comes from the Atari times too and has been just slightly adjusted during the last weeks. For example Terry let the oldfashened muted guitars and Vintage Clav with a new pleasure still do their rhythmic job.

Mar 2017

Blow Walk
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This noise by Terry comes from the old Atari days, but has been clearly modyfied at the recent period of refreshing. In fact, just the rhythm part is still similar, because Terry loved the laid back feeling of that slow walk through his noises.

Seven French Kisses
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Terry explores once more a sevenish groove with this noise. It’s one of the noises that may be changed in the future, but for now you can hear this pre final version. (Noise updated Dec 2020).

Jan 2017

Ode an Otis
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Es sei an der Zeit, den Erleichterungen des Lebens, die im Hintergrundrauschen der Gewohnheiten ein unspektakuläres, aber äußerst hilfreiches Dasein ableisten, eine Anerkennung zu widmen. Sagt Terry. Seine Ode an Otis entstand in der Grundform 1993 an seinem ersten Mac, ohne Audiorecording und daher ohne Mundgeräusche und war damals als persönliches Beruhigungsgeräusch gedacht.

Town Talking
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The idea for this noise by Terry came in November in a discussion with his old buddy Axel about jazz and what jazz can be. Terry himself doesn’t know much about jazz at all. He’s rather playing with noises, allways the words by Keith Jarrett in mind, which are the guiding principle for our agency. So Terry is on his own continual discovery. Update November 2018: a new Mix by Terry.

Nov 2016

Kölsche Psüschiater
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Terry scheint von der jecken Zeit angesteckt worden zu sein. Oder glaubt er, die seelische Gesundheit des Rheinländers in dessen Redseligkeit entdeckt zu haben? Zu Allem und Jedem zeitnah ein mehr oder weniger gehaltvoller Kommentar – und schon ist die erste Unruhe weg. Kann Reden und das Reden über das Gerede innere Heilkräfte aktivieren?

Ease Tension
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Another attempt by Terry to address inner unrest? He gave us this noise without any comment and this time without any voice. Maybe he talked to much in the other november-noise already… But we think it’s worth a listen!

Aug 2016

Lasting Memories
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Terry gave us this noise as a talking point of brainwave, which probably knows each of us. All the sudden you have a feeling for a specific situation in your life. You hear, taste and smell what you did at that time. You see the same, feel the same, you’re even back right in the same spot you once were in. You’re re-living a small stretch of your live. This recall often lasts just a few seconds before the present wipes off the flash of insight. Curiously enough the noise comes in its origin from 1993s atary times and Terry remembers his memories. (Noise updated Dec 2020).

Toothache Blues
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This 3 noises from Terry are some kind of contemporary documents. They have been made during the mid to late eighties with a 4track „Vestafire“ recorder...

Dont Allways Trust
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...and are some of the first noises Terry did. In general it was a funny time of trying out some other instruments than his 4string bass, playing with...

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...unknown distortion and reverb-effects and extending the range of noisemaking from his blues based roots.

Mar 2016

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A quick and dirty noise about the golf practise sessions Terrys alter ego takes part in a 2 weeks rhythm. It’s a group of four, five golfers with a french golf coach. He allways gives his best to tell what is the right way to swing a golfclub rather than just hit a ball with hands and arms. Update Jan 2018: Terry gave us a remixed version.

Nov 2015

Rock My Soul Again
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This Noise was basicaly done after a practice session with the gospel choir in which Terry sang in 2006. One of the ladies had an idea for a kind of introduction Noise before the official choir programm. In Terry’s small studio two ladies sang some phrases and terry put that together with some instruments. Now, after some years of aging, terry discovered the noise again, added some Logic-stock-voices and remixed the noise. Thanks to Yvonne and Franziska.

Sept 2015

The Mirror
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This Noise is a remake of an old 4Track-Noise that was done about 1988. At that time he had some issues feeling young and subtly began to look old. Maybe as any human has at his own period of life. He tried to pick up the noise in 1993 with the Atari and 2004 with the Mac and Logic 6 and both times he quit the job. Seems in 2015 he’s finaly old enough to reflect about this kind of transfiguration. Update 8/2018: Terry gave me a slightly different Version of „The Mirror“.

Jul 2015

Corkscrew Road
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Dieu merci Terry gave us new noises to present them here on this site. He still doesn’t talk that much about his feelings and his noises seems to be different to former ones. But at least he fiddles around, eats and sleeps. This noise one comes basically from 2009 but was not been finished. He looked at it and obviously it fits to his new noise plan. Give it a go!

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This second noise goes even further back to 1993, when Terry made his explorations with his Atari. He listened a lot to the music of Miles Davis back then and was curious to find some characteristic phrases for this noise. Because it was an unaware attempt, he now replaced the former sample trumpet by a synth as he picked up the old file and screwed at notes and sound.

Jun 2015

Empty Rooms
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That noise by Terry was done at the new Studio after the removal in may. We don’t know what he wants to tell us with „Empty Rooms“ – he refuses to talk about that. We’ll look after him.

May 2015

Your Rhythm
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Unfortunately the alter ego of terry tries to play golf. He’s one of the untalented late-age-beginners and really thinks to become a better golfplayer while practising his golfswing. Not only the right move but also the right mindset and the perfect rhythm seems to be important for successful action.
Terry took time for a little noise to support his practise sessions. A common phrase, not complicated, at the same beat as he wants to make his golfswing. Listen to the noise by earphones should help him to stay in rhythm while „working“ on his swing.

In The Hole!
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Once arrived at the world of golf, Terry made some kind of noise collage from what seems to be the goal of the game. The perfect shot at a hole to play is allway the last put and the longer you play the game, the more you get frightened about that, Terry was told. Terry was horror-stricken. Why not thinking, you just started to play golf and this is your maiden put? Thanks to the enthusiastic voices of commentators and fans from different sources.

Febr 2015

The Man
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is Terry’s search for something beyond his lifetime, which is like a instrumental part in a Song. You’re doing your entry over a period of time and than others take over. The Man is his word for bunched feelings inside.

Marktplatz Drei29
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(Marketplace) entstand aus Terry’s Erinnerungen an die Kindheit. Damals spielten Verkäufer diverser Obst- und Gemüsestände virtuos auf der Klaviatur des charmanten, aber fest zum Verkauf entschlossenen Kundenkontakts. Für Kinder war der Marktbesuch an der Hand der Mutter nicht einfach. Denn Konzentration auf günstige Ware ließ sie in einen nervösen Zustand fallen, der sich, bei den Kolleginnen ebenfalls zu beobachten, zu einem nervenzerfetzenden Getümmel verdichtete. Eng, laut, und alle so groß. Da mußte man als Panz echt vorsichtig sein, schön alles mitmachen, ab und zu auch mal taktische Vorfreude auf die leckeren Kartoffeln zeigen. Update 8/2018: überarbeitete Version von Terry.

Paradise Jazzdance
is Terry’s first Noise-Video. It looks back into the 80ies with showtime for bassplayers and exhausting fast rhythms. Terry had a hard 4-week preparation with a personal fitness coach before taking the shots to perform all the art of dancing by himself!

Cam, cut and noises by jazz werbeagentur/Terry Lennnox.

Sept 2014

Eastern Gold Voice 05
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is a noise that comes back from Terry's blues and session-times in the late 80ies and was one of the first non-blues noises Terry made. He played a rough sketch on his 4Track recorder at that time. Now picking up that old sketch in Logic, he named the noise like one of the voise-noises of the JamPack he used.

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was a new exploration for Terry in the early 90ies Atary-times with the feeling (not with real knowing) of orchestral-like noises. Now he grabbed the old file and put it into Logic with the nowadays noise possibilities.

PurLAmur Guitarversion
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The great Noslon Noslowitsch performed the noise live as a guitar-version at the "Phantom-Phastival" 2014. Thanks, Nossy, great stuff. Keep Love alive!

The Spy
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Being a spy seems to be a very popular job – and maybe we havn't noticed that during a long period of time. Must be thousands of them. It's no wonder, their life became much easier. No more tiptoe through dangerous nights, expecting vicious dogs or alarm systems, no need for big muscles or a Walther PPK when looking for things to snoop inside emails, manufacturing machines, traffic light systems or our home building technology. So much to nose out… scary! Update 10/2024: Terry did a rework on this.

June 2014

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Let’s tell it in Terry’s words. „Juna is inspired by the birth of Juna Maria in november 2013. No, not my daughter, the parents are real creative designers. At the same time somewhere I'd read about picking up noises by alternately right and left ear could be positive for the developing proccess of a brain an has a relaxing influence. I took this to play with left-right effects in the stereopan. Hopefully it works for a young human like Juna - and for stressed parents".

Yours Tonite
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„was done in early 1989 as one of the last 4track-VestaFire-noises with Dr. Rhythm, my Ken Smith 4String Bass, some kind of electric piano with a children-size keyboard, a sax and an old Höfner Guitar", says Terry.
„The noise has its special history. About Christmastime 1988 I was on a trip to Scotland for having a drink at John O'Groats. I had my "Walkman" with me and sang some noise ideas into it while doing the boring drive up north. Somewhere in my drawers may still be the tape with the bass- and mouthlines.
A very special part is the sax. I hadn't had a sax in my hands at all before this noise. All I knew was, the best way to fit a sax in a noise was to do write in Bb. So I did, let the sax part open for overdub and asked a friend to lent me his sax…
Well, its not the most creatve sax solo you may have heard, but I blew my lungs off for this.
An interesting thing is, that I tried to cover the original noise in logic some months ago. But no way, just not possible for me. All the old charme and handwork character was gone. Better listen to the real old and imperfectly tape noise".

Febr 2013

Wärm un schön
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„Wärm un schön" is another cologne-inspired noise by Terry. It describes the cold, snowy wintertime and warmth longing thoughts to the upcoming springtime. Terry sends his respekt to the work of Jupp Schmitz †, a cologne Songwriter, by picking up the theme of winter and spring in his noise as Jupp Schmitz did it a long time ago in one of his famous songs.

Noises released in 2011

Terry worked on his noises since his bluesband times in the 80ies and stopped about 1994 in order to give more time into the grafic studio, which growed up then. We needed his manpower for business. Ten years later we had a small but fine and healthy creative studio.
Garageband came out in 2004 and Terry felt free enough to start again with his noise explorations. In 2011 we asked Terry to give us some of his so far made noises to put it here on a special space for him. Since then it became a tradition to show his noisemakings from time to time. Here is Terrys 2011 collection with his comments.

00. If I knock him (2010)
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Just a kind of introduction noise.

01. Buskers Song (2005)
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This noise was done in 2005. A friend of mine had (and still has) an Irish Pub in cologne called Buskers. In 2005 he celebrated his 10th aniversary. The Buskers-Song I made was also performed live at the celebration evening. He had a band this night for livemusic and I did some secret sessions with the musicians before. I also made copies of the words for the other guests to sing along with us. A great final noise for a great night.

02. My Dog (1988)
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This is a very old noise from 1988, recorded with a 4Track Cassette "Vestafire". The quality is like that. I remember that I had to practise some hours to tap the guitar riff.

03. Loved so much (1992)
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Of course I felt for someone in 1992, as it was made. Adopted to Logic in late 2004, I rather seldom worked at "Loved so much". Noisemaking is a kind of process, and if you're lucky to have time (like me as beeing a project), you listen with complete new ears to a noise after a while. Often I was not shure, wether I should leave the noise or do some changes. For this noise, in my opinion, a voicenoise didn't fit.

04. Morgensonne (1991)
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(Morningsun) is another old noise, made about 1991 and switched, like the other noises, to Mac and Logic. I worked from time to time with it. In late 2006 I added mouth-noises.

05. Fieberdreams (2004)
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(Feverdreams) was done in Mai 2004, as Garageband came out. I hadn't make noises since about 12 years – but this app kicked me. My first Garage noise was "Pick like a Chick" and reached top 20 in the Garageband Contest 2004. Some weeks later I made the sketches of Fieberdreams. 2006 I added vocals in Logic. Thanks to Franziska and Yvonne for their sweet voices.

06. Ham+Eggs (1990)*
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This noise was basicaly done 1990, like all the old noises, on an Atari. Just Midi, no audio possible for me. I brought all the Atari-projects to Mac and Cubase about 1993. After a few month I had to stop noisemaking. The files have been stored and forgotten. In 2004, with Garageband, I remembered the old stuff and wanted to convert the old files via midifile to Mac OS X. Fortunately I still had my very old Centris with OS 7 and Cubase therefor. During the last years I worked from time to time with Ham+Eggs, in 2005 I added mouth-noises.

07. Work! (1988)*
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Also one of the old pre-Atary 4Track noises. I remember, I had bought a cheap reverb (normaly a pedal for guitar) and used it with the old "Dr. Rhythm" drumcomputer.

08. Jospelräpp (2005)*
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In late 2005 I tried out to sing in a Gospel Choir. One time I took my iPod and grabbed some parts of our practise-sessions. This fragments are using in "Jospelräpp". Also some reversed bass- and rhythm parts from my old 4track-sketches. Thanks for the voices of "Rhythm&Joy".

09. Herr Kaschel kann nicht schlafen (1991)
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This noise I did basically at Oct 28 in 1991. The name of the old Atari-File is 28101991. I liked to name the files by date, because as I started a noise, I had often no Idea about it. This freedom while doing was the advantage over the old 4Track recording. (Mr. Kaschel can't sleep) is the noise I made probably the most versions of. Playing with the inverted groove made fun, I still don't think it's ready.

10. Jupp Schmitz in d'r Karibik (2005)*
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This is a cologne influenced noise. Hard to describe. Created in Garageband 2005, I tried a real guitar this time. 2006 it came into logic and a voice-noise was added.

11. Kleine Sequenz (2004)
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(Small Sequence) is one of the first doings with Logic. After the Garageband wakeup call in 2004, I switched to Logic 6 for noisemaking. It was not easier, I am still just a 20 percent user with Logic. To much 4me.

12. Lookahere (2005)
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Lookahere was done in 2005. No idea what I ment by this.

13. Verehrung (1990)
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Also one of the noises from about 1990. As I took it over to logic - like the other noises -, I was surprised by the new sounds and gimmicks

*Former Versions of these Noises in "Terry Lennnox Project".